Monday, May 14, 2007

Introduction to me (READ THIS)

My name is Michael "Mikey" Radziejowski. I am the crazy 15 year old sailing enthusiast that is always on the water, near the water, or thinking of the water. I have been sailing for only about 5 years and have been racing 4 of those years in the beautiful San Fransisco Bay. I really fell in love with sailing from the beginning and more specifically with sailboat racing. I sail almost everyday during my summer vacation and generally sail every weekend... whether it is a regatta on one of the many boats that I crew on or just out to work on my tacks or gybes. I work hard in school so I can sail as much as I can. When I’m not in school or sailing, you can usually find me working hard at my job at a Sail loft.
All that sailing pays off. Everyone says I am good. I have heard everything from "being the next John Kostecki" to "You’re going to win the America's Cup" to "Hey kid, slow down!" But whatever people say, I don't let it fill my head. I sail for fun and for the competition and I know there is still plenty more for me to learn and accomplish.

A while back I received an older International 10m^2 Canoe. (The IC is a crazy 17ft long by 3ft wide sailboat with 10m^2 of sail area. It is hiked flat by a 6ft long plank that slides from side to side.) The boat was striped of line and hardware. I had to re-rig and re-love the boat. Once I got it onto the water I thought, wow, this is a boat! I soon contacted Del Olsen, the San Francisco IC fleet guru. He started to teach me how to sail this boat. I became more and more fascinated. After some crash course sailing on a simple IC, I decided to upgrade. With Del's help, I got a major UPGRADE. From a half wooden half fiberglass boat to a carbon on top of carbon boat, it was a quantum leap forward. The boat is lighter, faster, and more technical, and with that, the crash course doubled. But, I love it!

Sailing the boat more and more, I have decided to participate in this years IC World Championship event in Victoria, Australia Dec 30-Jan 7, 2008! I am extremely enthusiastic about doing this event. And I am ready to work my butt off. This event will give me a lot - from sailing experience to sailing with some really great people to dealing with logistics.

The only problem is funds. And this is where you come in.

I am looking for sponsorships. I am looking for $5000 to $6000 to cover my expenses. This will pay for transport of the boat from the West coast to Australia, plane tickets, entry fees, food, living expenses, new sails, and replacing some lines and blocks.

What do you get in return?
1) Your name or your company's name on the bow of my boat for everyone to see – a great marketing opportunity!
2) Regular updates via this blog. You can follow my journey and the IC World Championship’s knowing you are a part of it.
3) My word that your money will not go to waste. I can provide you with a breakdown of how your money/equipment was utilized. I will work hard to make sure your investment in my dream is put to good use.
4) The satisfaction of knowing you helped me turn my dream into a reality. I can’t do this without your help.

Donations of new hardware or bits and pieces or whatever that you see fit are also greatly appreciated!

If you would like to help out, or you have any questions for me before doing so, please email me at

Thanks so much for your time and please be sure to visit this blog for updates.

Michael "Mikey" Radziejowski


USA-4 Steve Bodner said...

Hey Michael-
I came across your blog from sailing anarchy. Good stuff your doing.
Just some words of advice about sponsorship: you've got to give people a reason to fund you other than their name on your boat or blog.
Every dick and joe is doing the same thing vying for the same sponsorship money as you. Trying adding some additional value to your sailing campaign. Put yourself in your sponsors shoes. What can you do for them.
Theres a wealth of sponsorship money here in the SF bay- its just finding it.
Good luck

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!