Sunday, August 5, 2007


Well, went sailing today and had some good practice. Del went out with me and we sailed down the Richmond channel, turned around and sailed upwind. Had very good boat speed on Del, staying ahead of him the entire beat. Then we turned the corner, reached off towards Redrock.....and that's when the real fun started. I was out on the end of the seat and sailed over a wave and that's when I bounced the plank over the top of the thing. I knew something was wrong when the seat bounced up a little TOO high. As soon as Newton's Law of Gravity kicked in, the seat broke! Sailing back in was a great challenge but somehow I managed. It's rather unfortunate though... but what can you do? I'll have to build a new seat. Mmmm carbon work!! Oh joy, oh joy. Until then, I will be sailing the fleet charter boat....

Oh and don't worry, I'll post pictures of the carnage soon.

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